[Nouvelle Publication] What is your story ? Bobcatsss 2015

Lors du dernier congrès Bobcatsss, en 2015 à Brno, République Tchèque, j'ai présenté une communication sur la motivation dans les projets d'archives vivantes, en m'appuyant sur le fantastique projet du NYPL  Labs : Community Oral History Projects.

Voici l'abstract de l'article : 

Libraries are working on creating living archives and adding non-academic testimonies in the libraries’ collections. The technical possibilities related to digital innovations (Klaebe, 2007), as well as an interest for communities and their representation in cultural institutions in connection with the emergence of local or participatory democracies, promote these projects. For this participation to the construction of an oral history, libraries develop labs dedicated to innovative memory projects, where new forms of transmission are experimented by the library (Taranto, 2009), and where the public, in a collective project, discovers new forms of learning and recognition (Alam, 2012). This is particularly obvious with the labs of the New York Public Library, which mobilize people either in the handling of digital tools to collect or annotate oral histories of their neighborhood, or in the narrative itself. Three projects are currently under way to collect an oral history of the Greenwich Village, Harlem, and Bronx neighborhoods.

Our research consists in investigating in both cases the motivation of the public to contribute to these projects. We will focus on the articulation between individual and collective motivation, on the engagement and the political dynamics as motivational factors (Holley, 2010), and on the role of libraries for a sustainable participation in innovative projects.

L'article est disponible dans les Actes du Congrès Bobcatsss 2015 : http://www.bobcatsss2015.com/wp/proceedings/

Ce qui m'a intéressé ici était d'étudier les ressorts de la motivation dans des projets qui sont par essence participatifs et collaboratifs, et ce d'autant plus dans la manière dont le projet Oral History est mené à NYPL, et de faire ressortir sa dimension politique. 

Merci aux organisateurs de Bobcatsss 2015 pour cette mise à disposition aussi rapide des actes du congrès. 


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