Francophone Webinar #BiblioCovid19: English Summary of the 1st Session

Dear colleagues,

Since end of March, Enssib is proposing a webinar with Francophone librarians from all over the world, who work in various library settings, to think theoretically and practically about what it means for us to be librarians during COVID-19.

We run the first session about needs and services, and you may find more informations (video, text and summary) in French :

Thanks to Alexandra Nobile (Paris 8), we are now ready to give you the summary translated into English : Click here. Thanks to Helene huet (Gainesville University), you may find below a concise version of the summary.

Last week, the discussion centered on the library and its services.  We had to think about the needs we perceive our patrons have and how libraries can try to provide them services to answer their needs. We were divided into 11 groups (we were about 1000 people total). Here are the needs we perceived our patrons have: 1. Need for a social connection, 2. Need for fun 3. Need to feel useful and to be part of a community, 4. Need to manage the stress and uncertainty of this new daily life, 5. need to accomplish things and complete projects, 6. Need to deal with confinement, 7. Need to feel recognized and seen.

How can the libraries help? I will provide possibilities for each 7 needs. 

  1. Library as the one that highlights conviviality and fights against exclusion and digital divide. Examples of services: reading books live, ask-a-librarian chat, social media and other types of communication on online resources library provides, creation of new services such as video games playing with librarians and patrons, play music live, show people how to cook, etc... the idea is to connect with patrons on a different level and create connections for after.
  2. Communication is important especially since physical space is closed. Highlight online resources such as trainings to keep people busy and their minds occupied.
  3. Maybe library can share information on various initiatives such as food banks, share some good actions local citizens are doing. Highlight the good in people, the solidarity.
  4. Communication there is key again. Library has the place you can rely on to provide you with accurate information. 
  5.  Access to online resources, provide training so people feel they are accomplishing something.
  6. Library can share resources on meditation, body positivity, workout videos, maybe launch sport bets (dare you to do 15 push-ups), highlight online resources such as movies or documentaries as an escape.
  7. Highlight people who are still going to campus and the work they are doing, putting their lives at risk to provide continuity of services. But also highlight work done by people who are confined at home.
And finally, thanks to Heather Lea Moulaison (Missouri University) for rewieving the translated summary.



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